
I can’t watch it without feeling a tinge of nausea the entire time.

I was stalked by an ex-boyfriend when I was 18. At one point he held me at gunpoint, telling me that if I didn’t marry him, he would kill both of us. I have blocked at least half of that incident from my mind, but after that, he continued to stalk me, terrorizing me on the road by bumping the back of my car with his

This wonderful and touching exchange almost cancels out the grossness of the post to which it refers. ALMOST. And I’m still getting over semi-nausea that resulted from watching Dr. Pimple Popper last night. (insert vomit emoji here)

I don’t, either. My home is my haven. The idea that someone else would be there when I got home or when I got up in the morning is not something I could face. I’m too much of an introvert, and I need to be home, alone with my pets, to recover from socializing or even just talking. I’ve been married more than once and

Yeah, they act like if you think the movie they love sucks, then they suck. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Pretty in Pink all the way through, and I saw Love, Actually once and it was okay but I have no desire to see it again. For me, it’s Pretty Woman. If someone says that’s their favorite movie, it changes my entire

Looks like my picture didn’t post. The sign said, “We are the manifestation of your thoughts and prayers.”

The crowd here in Orlando was estimate by the police department to be 25,000. One of my favorite signs:

As a liberal, progressive boomer whose boomer friends are the same and always have been, this makes me sad. I don’t know these baby boomer betrayers you talk about.

Yes! That’s a great area, too. And The Greek Corner! I love that place.

Great post. I live in Orlando, too, in the Mills/50 area, and I concur with everything you’ve said, although I don’t know Peter’s Kitchen. Must find. Orlando has a thriving arts and literary scene, too.

Yeah, Orlando’s not a garbage city. I mean, I’m not crazy about the theme parks, but I stay away from those and hang out in my area, just north of downtown, as well as downtown and Winter Park. Lovely place. Not perfect; I’ve lived other places, such as just outside NYC, and of course Orlando can’t compare to that,

The Enzian and attached Eden Bar (so beautiful! the trees!) is one of my favorite places here. I would highly recommend it except that lately the films I’ve wanted to go to sell out a day ahead of time, so no, don’t come. ;)

I live in Orlando, in the Mills/50 area mentioned above (and I love it!). I guess most people think of theme parks when they think of Orlando, but the parks aren’t even in the city limits. Come to Mills/50, which is just north of downtown, for a vast variety of Asian food and Asian markets and indie bars that include

I have spent time (more than an hour) with him, and I can say that based on what I know about him, he’s a great guy.

Do you live in a metropolitan area of Florida? Just curious, because I do, and it’s nothing like you think it is. And by the way, I lived on Long Island for several years, and talk about racist! See also: Westchester County, where my ex’s family lived. Super, super racist people.

Also, I think you and I are on the same side/share similar passions and would be friends in real life.

Oh, I listen. I’m a 60-year-old woman who reads Jezebel—not its target audience on most days. I teach English to college students who write their hearts out, and I listen all day, every day.

Or, you know, I and my friends will keep fighting for progressive causes just as we have done our entire lives, trying to make the world a better place for future generations. And my feelings aren’t hurt. I’ve grown some pretty tough skin over the years.

Oh, yeah, I realize that, but I try to be hopeful anyway. When I was a kid, for example, the idea that same-sex marriage would be legalized seemed impossible. The idea of an African-American president? Slim chance at best. I know change can happen, because I’ve seen it, so I hold on to some hope.