
Honestly, I think staying in might be the worst thing you can do when you’re depressed. (I’m not talking about being clinically depressed, and I’m not sure whether that’s what the author is saying here or not. It sounds like she means the kind of “depressed” people get when they feel lonely and isolated.) When you

Yep. I had (HAD) a friend who would cancel constantly at the last minute, after I had turned down other invitations because she and I already had plans. She’d cancel when I was already sitting at the bar with a drink, waiting for her. She’d cancel when I was sitting awkwardly at a table in a restaurant with the new

Whoopie Goldberg *just* said her dress was based on one worn by Bette Davis in All About Eve, and I think this is the very dress!

Yes! My ex had an IQ, according to a test he took at a management training course, of 168. I love a smart man. I did not love his continual condescension toward my family, friends, and sometimes me, and he was also manipulative and a gaslighter. Gaslighting is the worst—it makes you feel like you’re losing your mind,

After I posted that comment I said to myself, yeah, they don’t need my approval. But I do think they would make a great couple.

Rumor has it Liam may be dating Diane Lane. I approve if that’s true.

I tried to listen to her lyrics and heard exactly 0% of them. I am mystified by Beyonce’s popularity, but I figured I could at least try to understand her message by listening to what she was saying last night, but nothing. Still mystified. I know that’s an unpopular opinion, but it’s mine.

There are certainly exceptions!

I love her and have spent time with her in conversation face-to-face, during which she was so gracious and humble, but this disappoints me greatly. Also, while it’s true that women lose some power as they age in the area of attractiveness/sexuality, as an older woman I can confidently say that they also gain power,

There are people out there who believe they’ve given birth to alien babies who will one day come back to . . . something. Stories here:

I was thinking the same thing.

She looks like a combination of Winona Ryder, Christina Ricci, and Johnny Depp.

I’ve often wondered if my gray status is because I own my age. (I wasn’t always gray. No, I had a star and everything. But then Kinja happened.)

O.J. sort of did have any attorney he wanted. His defense team included Kardashian, Robert Shapiro, Johnnie Cochran, Alan Dershowitz, and F. Lee Bailey. Dershowitz and Bailey were well known attorneys even before the Simpson trial.

OJ did not testify.

Really? I’d like to read more about this if you can provide info.

Yes, and if you look at photos of the garage, it’s pretty grungy and cluttered, and the stuff has dust on it, which means it wasn’t cleaned. Brandon Dassey says they cleaned the garage floor with bleach, and that may or may not have happened, but you’d think there would be blood somewhere in the garage on one of the

At the beginning of the documentary, one of his lawyers for the first case, the one he went to prison for and then was released, said that Avery’s IQ was 70.

I thought she was married to his brother?

They switched Lilys? Are you sure? I haven’t noticed that.