
I work out almost every day, and my thick hair gets sweaty, sure. I just dry it with the blow dryer. I can’t wash my hair every day; it’s a fairly long, tedious process, and my hair is already overly dry. My question to you is, does sweat really make your hair dirty? I think not.

I don’t follow wrestling, but I read a story about this yesterday because I was curious since I work near the wrestling center. I can’t find it now, but she’s married to someone whose name starts with “DJ,” and I think her name is Ashley. Sorry I can’t be of more help, but I’ve looked for the story today and can’t

I remember when she was only a commenter. So long ago.

Not only that—I was told when I was a teenager in the 70s that I couldn’t go swimming when I had my period. My mom even believed it wasn’t a good idea to wash your hair when you had your period. I could never figure out how your hair and your uterus were connected. So many water activities missed out on! (I showered

“She can now look back over photographs of herself from age four to 40 and see that she had actually been beautiful.”

That’s how it starts—it goes away for a while, and then BOOM! I had a period for six straight months, with a few days of stoppage here and there. It was exhausting. Then it stopped for a few months, then I had spotting, and so on. I went on the pill for a while at the six-month period mark just so I could get some

Same here, as well as Bobby Sherman. They based stories on the flimsiest themes (How many shoes does Susan Dey have in her closet? or something like that), but I ate them up.

For me it was David Cassidy and Bobby Sherman. Yes, I am old.

If Anthony Bourdain is to be believed, Iggy lives in Miami.

I used to love U2 and think they’re okay now and yet I agree with everything you said here, as well as how you said it. Hmm.

I had to google Timbits, and now I want some. Between that and lake cottages, which sound amazing to me, I am starting to want to be Canadian.

When you try to star a comment, does clicking on it just zoom you up to the top of the page? That’s been happening to me, but then I figured out that what works is clicking on the very bottom of the star.

I liked it well enough. It isn’t great, but it made me laugh a few times (I’m not a huge laugher), and I definitely choked up when she was talking about her father in that one scene I won’t specify for spoiler reasons. What did you think?

I was so surprised to find out that Tilda Swinton played Dianna in Trainwreck! She is unrecognizable in that role.

Yep, I did that this morning, and now I can star again. I just starred yours!

No, it’s probably cool. I can star posts today. Maybe it was just a glitch.

I’m not banned, but I’ve lost the ability even to star someone’s post (ETA—looks like I can star posts here—maybe just not on Gawker). And I’m in the grays, as you can tell—that is, if you can see this post at all. I used to be a starred commenter (started commenting here about 10 years ago), and now this. It’s okay,

You wrote, “I ghosted a friend after he told me never to call me again.” That’s what I was referring to. He asked you not to call him, and you complied.

If he told you never to call him again, then doing that is not ghosting. Ghosting is when one person thinks everything is fine and calls or texts or whatever the other person, and the other person never responds. Your friend told you never to call him again, and you’re complying, right? If so, that’s not ghosting.

No! It’s a terrible way to handle them. I see it as cowardly. Not in every case, as I’ve stated above, but I think it’s cruel and cowardly in many cases.