Cocoa butter addict fights the status quo

I know. Very sad. :-(

I really, really like the way you think.

Yay, my first panda hug of the day!

Thank you my dear. Your words are kind and very much appreciated. Hugs to you. <3

I believe he had virtually no part in raising any of them. His money did, him not so much.

Ikr? Missed opportunity.

Kinda like a FemBot?

I don’t. I wanna bang him. :-)

I DO have a father like that. :-(

That’s exactly what I was thinking!

Aww baby, I’m so sorry. I can’t post pics on my phone but know that I am mentally sending you all tha kitteez. <3

Yeah, don’t expect everyone to read up on what happened and what the possible consequences are, though. Most would rather be reactionary and jump to conclusions.

I have doubts he knows the meaning of the word.

Ugh, is death an option?

Good, just tired! I had one of those no-sleep nights last night and I’ve been catching up with naps all day (it’s my day off).

Tsk! She’s a BRILLIANT businesswoman and prominent feminist!

Me too, Libraryanneagain! Me, too.

He’s a wee bit thirsty like any good theater kid.

Damn, that’s what I was thinking! Hillary is WEARING that dress, whereas the dress is wearing Kim.

We could only dream of being so lucky.