How bad does a character need to be before it’s “ok” to use them?
How bad does a character need to be before it’s “ok” to use them?
It only came with EU Preorders, as far as I can tell, because I definitely preordered it and definitely got a CD instead of the vinyl. I would have vastly preferred the vinyl.
He’s got a serious case of being a seventeen year old in the first book, and I think a lot of people are very uncomfortable with how much they are reminded of what they were like when they were seventeen.
The third book does a lot to redeem Quentin’s character by giving him the chance to be an adult who acts like an adult. It’s a good wrapup to the series if you’re willing to try and stomach it.
One of my favourite passages from the first book is when the Principal is talking about why they can do magic and other people can’t; he literally says that everybody who’s a magician is a whiny child who hasn’t grown up.
He’s not saying that Smug got in the tournament for free. He’s saying that beating Smug is something he gets for free. It doesn’t cost him anything; no effort, no work, no stress, he just shows up and cruises away with the victory for free. Smug is free.
If you’re getting reported in fifty percent of your games, regardless of whether you win or lose, probably Riot should step in and do something. I feel like that’s an okay line to draw.
That’s the thing that always gets me about these weird off lane picks getting banned. I remember when Support Singed got banned, and…
Oh man. When I sat down to play Yakuza 3 as my first yakuza game, and some of my housemates were watching, none of us had any idea what the franchise was like, or that content had been cut in the localization.
So like, I’d be running around Kamurocho, and I’d go into a Smile Burger to get some food, and some chick…
I remember the first time I played Metal Gear Solid; it was the Twin Snakes remake. I had been struggling with the game, but I wanted to keep on going and beat it. I finally got to the Pyscho Mantis fight, with some of my housemates watching me.
She transitioned from male to female maybe a year or two ago.
Fighting games absolutely have a sense of progression, though! It’s just that the progression takes place outside the game, instead of inside. You start out pressing random buttons, and then you progress to identifying that some buttons are better than others at certain times; after that, you move on to realizing that…