Still way, way too much hair. He would actually look more human like that than whatever the fuck you call his current abomination look.
Still way, way too much hair. He would actually look more human like that than whatever the fuck you call his current abomination look.
Is that photo-shopped (besides the centaur body, lol) because I have no idea how he is able to stand without falling forward?
Of course, the only way Cousins can be more insufferable is to find out that he has a podcast. Fumbles McChokerson is an albatross the Vikings need to bench.
Sadly, probably nobody important. I know better than to get my hopes up after the 2016 election and Muller investigation. Definitely going to enjoy watching this show play out, however.
I can’t decide which is more gross: calling her honey and sweetheart or all the inhumanity against migrants. Lose-lose situation, I guess.
I didn’t like any of that imagery. :(
Wow. That is depressing. How stupid can we Americans get? It’d be nice to see a demographic breakdown of this but I’m sure it’d be equally depressing.
Warren already had my support but this is just gravy.
Those comments come straight from bizarro ‘Merica. I wonder what their average IQ is. :(
Definitely. Imagine if they had to let it run until it was out of gas to stop it?
Yup, basically any response on Twitter or social media is something attacking Killary, Biden, et al.
The closed captioning guy must be on suicide watch. I’d give up and just type something like” [words] [unintelligible garbage].
Good vid but the guys doing commentary sound like assholes who’ve never done a day of manual labor in their lives.
It must be mentally exhausting to cover this guy. Trying to parse that word salad to see if anything makes sense makes my head hurt.
I truly can’t figure out which of them looks the least awful. I hope none of them reproduce (again).
I’m going to be super bummed if Trump skates by on all these corruption charges due to his gross incompetence and “he’s too stupid to commit treason” defense.
That’s just a beautiful new bus powered by clean coal. MAGA!
So... when is that cowardly shit-stain going to run for office again? After this Trump thing has blown over?
Represents.... Arizona. Ok, checks out.
Hell, I don’t typically read non-fiction but I would read this in a heartbeat.