
An interview with his college professors just ragging on him would be great.  Of course, he probably rarely attended class and his dad bought his degree so...

Yes, a sampling of his most inane, nonsensical ramblings would be amazing. Or just ‘covfefe’ on repeat.

He’s already publicly said he had no knowledge of this whistleblower complaint.  I was wondering if he did due to the timing of his resignation, etc. 

Specifically, ‘On a Society in Decline.

The “not the first time” the Administration tried to bury politically sensitive transcript is telling. What other amazing dirt is sitting there and how badly do I want THAT to come out!?! My penis can only get so erect! /Archer

Firing ten rounds for being slapped in the back?  Nobody ever congratulate this guy w a slap on the back and expect to live.  This person should not carry a gun, ever. 

Be sure to wash it down with some menstrual blood lemonade!

Ho ho holy shit that would have earned a derisive snort from me at the very least.  No wonder that orange con-man was elected.

He was clearly winking during that phone call. How can you not tell this, libtard?

Also, what the hell is the difference if it’s under the impeachment inquiry or on it’s own? (seriously don’t know)

I do feel bad for that guy.  Totally caught up in another nation’s bullshit when all he did was answer the phone.

I thought her crazed smile in the header image was creepy but damn is that close-up terrifying.

He just went boom boom in his pants? 

Cougars are such dicks if you don’t spot them first. I’ve died many times to a surprise“RAWR” and a cougar insta-latching onto my neck. :(

The Gang Hits the Road” episode is wall to wall great.

Yelling “Viggo Morgenstein!” is the capper.

<3 MSPaint level graphics

I actually congratulate this person for going through the formal channels, then testifying anyway after being obstructed. That speaks volumes for character and not being partisan, etc.

His sword is a bucket of KFC and it certainly looks like he’s trying to eat himself to death.  Godspeed you, inevitable coronary!

His brain is just a random selection of mis-firing neurons and uttered sound bites.