I hope they never reproduce. Imagine having that little shit in a school with your kids.
I hope they never reproduce. Imagine having that little shit in a school with your kids.
Yes, her line about, “a country that elects Donald Trump is already in trouble” was especially resonant.
The drug comment is insane. There is no accountability for saying wild shit anymore.
See, he’s creating jobs! Best president for the economy ever!
Gotta pull that ladder up behind you!
How do we take a successful brand and try to make it pander to all audiences? My moron fail-son loves BBT so lets overpay for rights to that!
That sounds more like Stockholm Syndrome.
So true. When are they cancelling Last Week Tonight? ;_;
Forget gold toilets, they better be made out of titanium.
First in kowtowing!
“The Saudis told me the fake-news media was responsible for this heinous attack on their beautiful oil and I’ve ordered an airstrike against the HQ of the FAILING Washington Post!!!
Nope. Go, go unchecked end-stage capitalism!
Just kissing up to Trump in another way.
Dear god, there’s no way to unsee that image. :(
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Duck duck grey duck is correct and it’s everyone else that’s weird.
I’m 100% positive that’s one of Trump’s old suits. Something that ill-fitting and ugly can only come from one source.
I loved the Sundays we’d visit my grandparents because I’d get to spread the comics section out on the floor and pore over it.
I’m ok with them eventually getting out of prison as long as all wealth generated from Perdue is seined and distributed to states/municipalities/victims. Top management needs some serious jail time though.
I hope he dies in an embarrassing/humiliating way. Maybe a montage of incompetence a la Deadpool 2?
I’m assuming it’s just the county jail and she’d be eligible for work release (does she have a job?) so really she’d be sleeping in the dorms for two weeks. No big deal but I’m impressed it was more than 2 days.