
Ugh, when can we pack this guy off to the nursing home? I already feel bad for the staff.

Jesus, $35-50 seems very excessive. I understand needing to asses some level of cost RE: overhead for emergencies/disasters but that is robbery. Anything over, say, $25 total a month for 0 usage is bullshit.

Not even a little for red-eyed C3PO or the lightsaber throw?  I thought I was jaded.  ;)

It feels like Trump has really sped up his ‘race to the bottom’ awfulness the past few weeks but it’s been so hard to tell. :(

He was trying to say “BLT community” and he has always been a big fan. 

Loved Skies of Arcadia and I’ll have to check Grandia out. 

Trump has been an Adderall fan for decades.  No problem here. 

Well, it was a master-class in that.

The first time I had heard the word used in real life it was used by a Benghazi conspiracy theory nutjob I used to debate with sometimes.  Total Trumpist, Fox news gun-humper. 

Barf, this would be grounds for divorce but I’m guessing both bride and groom are terrible people.

Black metal in full sunlight sounds like a recipe for ass-burns.

I really should have bought stock in them when Trump was elected. Of course, I have a soul so not so much. At least they will tank once Trump is out of office.

Yup, this fat guy is in an abusive relationship with Trump.  Thoughts and prayers buddy.  ;)

That is still too rigorous for Dump to pass.  Make it 20 mins to walk a mile.

I’m actually impressed that she was charged at all being this happened in Arkansas. The false imprisonment charge also seems to indicate they’re taking it seriously. Is aggravated assault a felony? We have a system designed to plea things down but at least she’ll probably get stuck with a problematic misdemeanor or

Jimmy Fallon is too big of a chud to watch Mindhunter. 

Wow, this fucked up story is getting even more fucked up.

That entire screed was an amazing take-down. Fantastic and I salute that man

If I were on Twitter, I would totally follow “Jordan.”  I’m dying to know how the chest pains work out!

I cancelled mine when it came up for renewal this June.  Primarily I was pissed video game pre-orders no longer get 20% off, items I ordered regularly kept going up in price (20-30% in one year) and all of the shit stories about Amazon didn’t help.  I’ll still order from them occasionally but I’ve drastically reduced