Just the ones on Fox News.
Just the ones on Fox News.
My god, I’ve been a Pizza Supremacist my entire life. What have I done?!? ;_;
Kid has skull fractures and this chud gets out on personal recognizance? That judge sounds awful.
Damn, no slack given for having hands full and carrying a baby? Screw that old biddy.
I read Skunk Works years ago and loved it. This article makes me want to re-read it.
I actually liked Alien 4 even though it’s pretty campy. Sigourney Weaver being a badass is hard to beat.
This might be worth it to me if I can actually watch NHL games. I’ve missed hockey. ;_;
I am heartened that almost all these macro-brews have had sales declines. They’re still top dogs but craft beers are still increasing in popularity.
Not being murdered is pretty hot right now.
Dude was bringing it. I wish I was half as passionate about anything in my life.
This is such an insanely bad look that I’m surprised the cops didn’t realize it halfway through and stop to wait for a cruiser. Damn, Texas.
Half of those chuds don’t look old enough to vote.
ALF 2020!
I’m doubting Trump has the self-awareness or ability to reflect in order to realize how sick he is.
I’m assuming he used his “Lenny from Mice and Men” simpleton strength.
LOL, I’m liking him after this last weekend. Stay angry, Tim!
This is so terrifying I hope it’s not being done intentionally (based purely off of this admin’s incompetence.)
I’ve missed this show way too much.
That would almost make all of these mass shootings worth it. :(
He tossed in a side of, ‘Democrat mayor’ for good measure.