
DeCaprio has shitty facial hair in the top image as well.  Just give it up, man.

We often qualified for free/reduced lunches growing up and I was often bullied for being poor.  Being fed and able to concentrate during class is essential to a proper education and I have no idea how people could be against this.  The deck is already stacked against poor people in myriad ways.

I was wondering what the GOP response would be...

LOL, it only works if you’re redistributing it FROM the poor TO the rich and not the other way around. People tend to forget that. ;)

Anyone claim their cocaine island yet?

I’m assuming “Jon Bon Jovi premium rose” is marketed exclusively to sad white women and will be a huge success. 

If Mayor Pete can’t win over black voters, there’s no reason he should be running any longer as he won’t be able to beat Trump.


Nose job, check. Did she get a chin implant too?

Jared’s not allowed in the Arts and Crafts room after he ate all the paste. 

My ex-wife was not a great cook but one night she made mashed potatoes before I got home from work. Like an entire five-pound bag of potatoes. Problem was that she added too much milk while mashing and the consistency was off. So to fix that she added.... flour. Neither of us could stomach more than a few bites and

For real. Cool Ranch Doritos are an abomination. Doritos Locos tacos are also awful. I tried to eat one once and had to stop after 3 bites (and this was the nacho cheese version.)

I’m ready for something totally messed up to happen with the bear.

Sure, he’ll laugh his head off.

America is WAY behind other countries in satirizing Trump. *golf clap*

Maybe they’re paid to be there (like Trump claims about all his protestors.)

Gotta sell some more merch to the drooling masses!

What a time to be alive (for a grifter!)

I will never understand how the Clintons became this Great Satan evil force to these Republicans.  Another example of rich people being just as dumb as every other paste-eating moron. 

And to think that I used to like turtles.  Fuck McConnell for ruining turtles for me.  :(