
They can’t even process the hundred thousand at the southern border over the past few months. No way they can get to “millions” across the country.

There are so many things that never needed to be codified into law because we all assumed a moral person wouldn’t do them.  After Trump, we need to explicitly make everything shady illegal because he will push the line until it breaks.  Every time.

It’s amazing how much the goal posts have been moved by Fox News and this administration.  So much awful just gets a shrug because we constantly see worse.

Who knows what kind of freaky shit is in his browser history. 

Poor, poor, oppressed straight white male. Who else is betting he posted this hateful comment on work time?  I hope this clown gets voted out because he clearly lacks any basic reasoning skills.  What does the Bible have to say about being a Treasury dept employee?

No idea how this person does it but it is impressive. 

He never intended to go through with the Mexico tariffs.  It was just a feint to beat up on an ally and brown people per his MO. 

Even then, the only acceptable emotion to show is anger (unless you’re some kind of homo).

That may just be if bodily fluids are used against a law enforcement officer/corrections officer. Not sure.

I’m assuming he’s playing the insane, vengeful God that allowed the current administration to happen.

Damn, Michael Wolff looks like a sex criminal in that photo.

How much for a #2?  $20?  $50?  It’d be worth every penny.

Completely absurd, isn’t it?  What a chud playing at being president.

They should have had him be one of the anti-gay protestors. 

Wow, something on the internet that doesn’t destroy my faith in humanity. I love it.

Seems about right if we’re going to have Mexico hold migrants applying for asylum. Kids in cages redux! 

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

Definitely an, “I have the weirdest boner,” moment for some people.

I saw that episode as it aired and it took me a second to realize it was actually Herzog and not somebody who looks just like him.  Loved it.

And then dismembered with a bone-saw.