And still no apologies from Roll20. Hence why I packed up and went to Fantasy Grounds.
And still no apologies from Roll20. Hence why I packed up and went to Fantasy Grounds.
I still stand by Fire Emblem Heroes. Yes, its a gatcha game, but Fire Emblem is an amazing series and even F2P is pretty good.
Oh hey! A cash grab! Fortnite and PUBG bringing bank, and instead of Bethesda doing what they do, they’re jumping on the bandwagon. At this point its a race between whether Square-Enix will give us Final Fantasy VII Remake first or Bethesda will make another Elder Scrolls that isn’t a Skyrim port.
I’ve heard nothing but bad about P5.
The biggest argument against the ‘boobie’ streamers is that they are often targeting underage viewers who don’t have their own money, but their parents’ money. This came up during the original debacle about them; Twitch and Kotaku even agreed it was an issue.
I’ll just, um, continue to emulate. I’d love to support the best RPG ever made, but not this travesty.
Yamcha is a monster, as well!
> Fan of Bioware
Seong Mi-na please!
The The God Emperor!
They’re behaving like they were the first game to come up with the battlegrounds idea. H1Z1 would like a word.
I feel this is why emulation is so important. I’ve not downloaded any roms/isos but I make extensive use of emulation to play my PSX/2 games and am eagerly awaiting a stable PS3 one for my massive PS3 library.
This is why I didn’t jump on it. It ended up a mess with the NES and I knew the SNES was going to be. Until they get their business together I’m just going to be happy with emulation. I’d GLADLY buy one of these systems, but until its easier, nah.
What edition is this for? Just 5e? If so, the paper is safe since I mostly play Pathfinder and 3.5e. If 3.5e is included.... *gulp*
I do NOT recommend Clannad to new anime viewers. Are you insane? The pain. The heartbreak. I’ve had friends turned off because of it.
Then Nintendo shows how much they hate fan projects and slaps this down.
Fate (huge fan of the franchise) and Hajimete no Gal (I’m trash, I admit it) are pretty much the only ones I’m going to watch this season.
Its like people forgot about memory cards or something or maybe I’ve just been numbed from the PS1/2 and GC days of memory cards being required.
Hey, lets use a collage of League champs to talk about Overwatch’s women sizes and shapes, but ignore certain champs like Vi, Jinx, and Illaoi.