My thoughts exactly! I definitely will be picking one up when these games start coming out, but not until then.
My thoughts exactly! I definitely will be picking one up when these games start coming out, but not until then.
Bear Grenade!
What would be amazing is if you got to play as that guy. At least occassionally throughout the game.
Welp. Time to buy a Wii U.
That was....actually quite painful to watch. Kind of what I would expect to be playing on tvs in hell, on an endless loop.
I'm going to just call this right now. You actually are Revik, and this whole game just takes place in his mind. Hence why you can't actually hurt him. You are a figment of his imagination. Something his mind created to sort through what had been done to him. I wouldn't be surprised if the big reveal occurs about…
This doesn't sound very positive.
If you accept the Many Worlds theory, then there is a chance that there are universes where you win every single lottery you ever enter. Every. Single. One. And since we are talking about an infinity of universes, there are an infinite number of universes where this happens. If it can happen once; it will happen an…
Is, is the stand the map to homeworld?
Is, is the stand the map to homeworld?
Not that I am a believer in aliens, or alien abductions; but if there were such a thing, wouldn't it be possible that it is done for reasons similar to why we use monkeys for medical experiments?
It would be pretty chilling to find articles circulating on whatever sort of internet-like communications network they use…
Maybe if they have a sale where it gets down below the 15 buck figure.
That is one of the few things that worries me about Everquest Next Landmark. You can make just about anything you want in the game, then put it up as a template in the marketplace, where other people can purchase it. You're supposed to be able to make money off it this way, kind of like how people do it in Second…
The PS4 commercial almost sounds like it is addressing the Doctor.
That looks incredible!
Agreed. He kinda has that Optimus vibe to him; which helps out a lot.
If they could do a Zero Mission style remake of Metroid II, I would be forever grateful.