What if it is an army of evil, insane Mario clones? You kill one, ten more pop up.
What if it is an army of evil, insane Mario clones? You kill one, ten more pop up.
Alright, here is what is available in Kansas from Cox Communications. This is just internet. All of these plans have a lowered cost for the first three months, I am only going to post the actual plan cost. 5 down/1 up: 48.99/month, 25 down/5 up: 62.99/month, 50 down/10 up: 73.99/month, and 150 down/20 up: 99.99/month.
I saw this heading, and I was immediately thinking "I didn't think I had a top 5 Chinese games list. Then I remembered I'm not the only Eric.
Let this man design the next Batmobile!
This is exactly the reason why I don't get consoles at launch. Nothing against the PS4, or the XbOne. I just feel that it is best for me to wait until they have had time to have the kinks worked out.
Is anyone disturbed at the fact that Mario can now apparently skin goombas and wear their corpses as a disguise?
I think it is because they say it is a parody.
3D Render
Homeworld: Cataclysm? Anyone know if it can be found for download yet? It is, in my opinion, the best of the series.
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Everything I have seen about this game seems to point to it being more of the same. Since I have so many options that are similar to that, which are free to play, why would I pay 15 a month for this game? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the Elder Scrolls, but not enough to pay for a full-price game, and then 15 a month…
Hmmm, you know, if Henry VIII was a chimera, that may explain some things. He only ever had female children, because he had absorbed a female fraternal twin while developing in the womb. Her cells became his testes, so he was unable to ever produce a male heir. Just a theory, of course.
What I want to know if there is anyway to clear the notifications in the lower left hand corner of the screen. They get in the way when I open a window to, say, craft. Alternatively, is there a way to move the windows? Or a clear screen command for taking better screenshots?
I love how the ships have an almost cell-shaded look to them. Though I agree that Cataclysm was the best of the series.
To be honest, if I was at a Con and saw a guy sneak up on a woman and smack one of these stickers on her ass, I would go up and smack my fist into his face. Violence is never the answer, except in this case.
Ok, who is the duece that DDoSes Cube World?