Coati Tuesday

Hm. Hudsucker is one of my fave Coens, actually. The job board scene alone is hilarious (well, you have to pause and read every one).
And Jennifer Jason Leigh is perfect.

That's exactly the talk show appearance I always think of…!

I have an ever-evolving list of top ten best country songs. About a year ago, "I'm Not Gonna Miss You" made the list, and I don't see it falling off any time soon.
He was a hell of a talent, and I'm old enough to remember when he showed up on talk shows frequently, He was charming and hilarious.

Hardison from Leverage might, but not for profit, just for mischief.
Oh, and profit.

I think it's admirable too, and possibly the only safe thing he could do for the next few years. If he comes back to acting (and damn, he's really good) he should wait quite a while and take a role that puts him in the most favorable and likeable light.

I never went on a star tour the entire time I lived in LA, but a neighbor of mine did, pretty much on a dare. She said it was hilarious - the guide would point out someone while the bus slowly cruised past a gated home: "Pretty sure that's Madonna…!" And when they passed someone in plainer view, he'd say "is that…

I'm going to love it when "Mr. Smith" is revealed to be Barron Trump. He's good at the cyber!

If they really want to cause trouble, leak GRRM's number. He'll never get any writing done, answering all those calls.

Hey, they could just remake Dorothy Sayers' Have His Carcase.
Christina Hendricks as Harriet Vane, Slattery as Wimsey.

For a sec I thought this was about August Darnell, so… whew.

The Horse With No Name is the song that taught me that heat was hot.

Yeah, but Fleetwood Mac would tell you it's the right to bare trees. Those wimpy English liberals,

Pics would be on her phone, so she would remember what YOU looked like.
But then they would be pictures of you, so never mind.

As much as I love the movie Sneakers and its mcguffin (in this case a thing that can break any password) it just doesn't seem necessary for most hacking types. Asking, bribing, or looking at a post-it note under a keyboard seems to be the best ways to get 90% of passwords everywhere.

Aha! That's what I think, Sentient. The songs on 1989 (Ryan Adams' album) are haunting, heartfelt, interesting and deep —- and when Taylor Swift does them, they're … not.
Which is unfair to her I guess.
I don't know anything much about either artist (I know Whiskeytown and some of his solo stuff, none of her stuff)

Come on now — "You can never know who is under there. Could be terrorists with weapons" — that's as true of an empty bus seat as it is of a burka.
More, if you narrow it down to midget terrorists.
I mean WHEN you narrow it down to midgets, as it eventually will be.

Of course we can. Because.

Yeah, but the Thor Ragnarok logo (I'm not familiar with the Stranger Things one) is pretty cool and seems to have no advertising tricks up its sleeve.
I know Ready Player One isn't near to coming out yet, but I am already deciding not to see it.
And then changing my mind. And then changing it back. Which may be what

None of those words are funny, except "laugh riot" in the headline, and only when it's spelled "laff riot". Jeez.

Can't it be, since this is the internet, two things? They're both the worst!