—- it can be three things.
—- it can be three things.
During the campaign, at least once he referred to these things as "shows". As in "you look carefully, the people at our shows don't start the violence, it's the protesters". That's a near direct quote. He really doesn't have a grasp on reality.
But neither does his party - the events now are being called campaign…
During the Red Scare, people who'd sided against… you know, the bad guys… before the US actually got on board with the whole Nazis-are-not-nice ideology, were termed premature anti-fascists.
Which meant they were communists, or sympathizers, at least, and therefore suspected of not being entirely loyal to the US.
I like the phrase railing-killed.
I wonder if stunt coordinators use it when they're setting up work for the day?
The Winchester House is creepy and beautiful, though, with a consistent design sense, isn't it? I haven't been there in decades, and remember the staircase that led straight to the ceiling (with no opening) and odd nooks and crannies… but all Victorian and well made.
Maybe not Victorian, I'm no architect.
Martin does like to put himself -obliquely- into his stories. Samwell is pretty obviously him, as is the Great and Powerful Turtle from Wild Cards.
And those are the only examples I can think of — well, maybe Haviland Tuf, and goddamn, Tuf Voyaging would make a fun series.
I don't understand half of this Kinja stuff, and am trying to reserve my sense of impending doom and certainty that the world will end for.. you know, everything else.
I hope the commenters who say they're leaving try to stick with it for a bit. I really like this site and it's the only one I comment on or read…
I live in California and am rooting for Randy Bryce ("Iron Stache"). I don't know what kind of a chance he's got; that is, I don't know how many votes Ryan has already pre-purchased or how gerrymandered the area is. Brcye is a veteran, a union steelworker and active in local politics - he's on a couple veteran's…
Evel Knievel landed all his jumps. Some just more roughly than others.
— and I think it's still in some warehouse in DC, right?
Hey, my dad has a pallet jack, let's put on a show!
He would have ALL the bumps.
It wasn't because he was reading - he's not awfully good at that. More likely it's the Rick Perry glasses reason- goldurn if it don't make you look smart.
I like that he HAD the glasses on and took them off. Probably thought they made him look fat.
Also I like that the White House glasses are just like any others you could get at the fire station or the 7-11.
You meant Bonwit Teller, surely?
I long for the attitude of The Illuminatus! Trilogy, which took every conspiracy theory then extant and squoze them into one glorious, LSD-and-pot-drenched, centuries-spanning story.
Well, when the Mendendez brothers left the room….
They're not standing quite upright, they're standing at a right angle to the planet, which is only "upright" from one point of view.
I'm never going to believe Trump is "growing into the presidency" even if he does stop acting like a toddler. He's 6 foot 3 and weighs, I'd say 280 by now. We don't WANT him growing…
Trolling intensified by the idea that an actor would be willing to play Alex Jones.
If I had been working in a record store back in those days and someone asked if we had Eric Clapton Unplugged I would have said we don't even have him on life support yet.