Smoothies By Giannis

Like many great comics, Will Ferrell has really shined in dramatic roles. ‘Stranger Than Fiction’ is far and away his best work, ‘Everything Must Go’ was solid, and his brief role in ‘The LEGO Movie’ was a highlight for me in a film with a ton of highlights.

He wrote that, memorized that and rehearsed that.


Game Night is the best.

What a condescending response. All we were hoping for is some kind of update on him, not people on this site writing eulogies, then going dark when the people reading those pieces get rightfully concerned. We don’t need a fucking medical report. Just SOMETHING that tells us anything. Hell, even “we will update you

My thoughts exactly. That would be a truly terrible misstep in judgment on everyone’s part on this website. There are too many smart people (and no more Daulerio) for this site to think that’s a good idea.

They make a passing (but obvious) reference in Skull Island that Kong was still growing back in the ‘70s, so methinks he’ll be large enough.

*sees ‘The Americans’ listed as the top show of the year.*

I think part of it is that he’s one of the better writers out of the cast, so he’s going to be in more sketches because he’s writing more.

I feel they did an adequate job taking the temperature of the program for this hire. The other stuff is a stroke of bad luck.

This will be the most fucking annoying ride into the sunset since Jeets.

He wasn’t the starter until 2008.

Dude’s career is over and he may never be the same again physically. and not only do you post a close-up freeze frame of his injury under the headline, you top it off with a neat Simpsons reference to get a chuckle out of the whole thing.

When was the last time a player straight-up sabotaged his own team like this? This is fascinating.

Even taking the Panasonic deal out, it was a movie made to watch in a theater in 3D. The experience of watching ‘Avatar’ at home, regardless of the quality of your television, paled to seeing it on the big screen.

I don’t know a single person who saw this movie.

Strike One.

I’ll start you with the obvious one... who is William Loh?

The Big Ten (and NCAA) has no jurisdiction with stuff like this (actual crime). Now if a teammate ripped Jordan McNair’s helmet off his head and sold it for meal money then Jimmy Boy would swoop right in.