Sometimes shit happens, and shit happening is fun to watch.
Sometimes shit happens, and shit happening is fun to watch.
It does not.
In order of trailers above:
This case will move fast, can’t afford to play ketchup.
I think it’s both. Elizabeth was finally straight with Paige about the dangers of the job and gave her a way out, knowing she wouldn’t take it with all they work they’ve already done. Mom instinct kicked in just a bit, like the phone call with Henry last week.
A friend and I were debating about Mischa in all of this. My guess is part of the message Phillip wrote to Oleg at the end of ‘Rififi’ is meant for Mischa.
I think the best question to ask is why this is a question and what MLB should do about it. Some truly marketable and bankable stars exist in this sport, but MLB does such a poor job nationally in marketing that it just fizzles out.
Those people in the mirror are never wrong.
The tail deflating always gets me.
If you’ve ever seen his Serious Jibber Jabber interviews on YouTube, you can tell how comfortable he is in true honest conversations. I hope this show turns into that in some capacity.
Good morn, Mr. Emmert.
Thank you for bringing this article back to the top bar. I completely forgot how woke GQ and A.V. Club thought they were becoming with this.
‘Group effort!’
Who is this
Don’t stop now, you’re on a roll!
Doc Emrick is a global treasure I will hear none of any criticism from America’s attic about him.
On the contrary, those things are still hot as balls compared to other sports jerseys. Add in players with equipment and those things may as well be made of wool.
It was good except for a good third of it being his exact SNL monologue. Like, I get it, but disappointing.