Smoothies By Giannis

Hell, I would say the thought process of people needing to ‘pay their dues’ is outdated as well.

He is solely responsible for the greatest joys in my Bears fan life.

Not really confirmed. We never saw her die, just the flashback of the act and Bernard reacting.

And Elise is still out there in some capacity. And Sizemore is sort of chilling in the storage basement.

Man, watching that video I’m reminded that Miller Park hasn’t changed their soundtrack in 16 years.

Not calling his family... AARON.

What makes this a real treat is that his winter hat goes flying over the table. Then it’s revealed he’s wearing shorts.

Kid, Michiganders have had that reaction for decades now.

Perrin: “Hey Tom, wanna talk numbers?”

I... really want this to be true...

Tomorrow on whatever the fuck Skip Bayless is doing now:

Strap the fuck in, because the 4-5 Los Angeles Rams finally gave us a reason to watch their quest for 7-9.

Amidst everything mentioned here, to add on, here is yet another movie in which Michelle Monaghan is given nothing to do but looked concerned and smile warmly when Wahlberg needs an idea of what to do with his face.

Underrated tip of the cap to laying down perfectly so the red stripe on the pants lined up with the red letters in the endzone.

It’s not often that issues surrounding the NFL were as black and white as this one.

Beyond everything that everyone else just said, Cam Newton is no longer starting his career. He’s been around for years, and his style of play is well known.

“This vids gonna get so much play holy shit! Look, here’s the horror unfolding behind me as I walk backwards to the exit........ cool, cool, time to slide! WEEEEEEEEEEEE! Woo, that was fun! OK, let me just casually flip the camera onto me for a few seconds............ alright, good, good. Make sure everyone sees

Was it the same guy who ran on the court during the NBA Finals?

CounterCounterSupportPoint: Nothing in life needs human error. Except for, of course, love.

On top of that, in the ATM screen grab, they’re using a real picture of Bradford in the bottom left corner.