Meta was over before it was cool before it is over before it will be cool again and then over because we are fucking fickle.
Don’t use a 5$ word when a .50$ one will do. And he isn’t combining groups, he’s comparing them, which isn’t “intellectually dishonest.” If you are going to try to sound intellectually superior, at least get your word choice correct.
I personally thought the crones were horrifying. Something very rapee about them.
Umm, no.
Combine what you and Burrito wrote and you’ve got something that makes sense.
I see Greg Howard finally decides to grace everyone with his presence with another polarizing and divisive article; this time he brings his friends to cosign his shit.
Maybe he doesn’t agree with King and company on this issue.
That's saying a lot considering Jeb!.
Is that the gun he used?
Umm yea no way those old games are better than the new ones except for nostalgia. Fallout is nearly unplayable. Understand this is only opinion and not a critical look at the games. Did you make this list just so you could put Fallout 4 last?
Agreed. Never even heard of Retrograde by James Blake until I played this.
Wtf are you going on about?
Just fucking get remarried! My grandparents did.
Good call. The gif you show is obviously a poor angle.
Jesus would have been better at baseball
I've been thinking about it. They just seem so generic. It doesn't feel like there's a lot of variety.