I know a lot of people who fit the bill. But this is the government, at least 90% of the positions already had a name pencilled in before the job even got posted. There will be a lot of internal hires.
I know a lot of people who fit the bill. But this is the government, at least 90% of the positions already had a name pencilled in before the job even got posted. There will be a lot of internal hires.
Da fucks?
Regardless of whether or not there is a true correlation between PED usage and NFL injuries, depending on what an athlete takes, tendons (Achilles) and ligaments (ACL/MCL) CAN become more brittle if they don’t take a proper stack and eat properly. It can get expensive and they would need a doctor (illegally) to get it…
I love watching social justice warriors and right wing conspiracists go at it. It’s like reading lines from the script of the latest South Park season. I can’t believe how many people think in extremes and - aside from obvious trolls - I often wonder if they truly believe what they say in the comments sections.
This guys a moron and the bloody sock is a fake.
Yes we are all just chomping at the bit to debate a clearly superior intelligence.
Clearly it’s moronic if you don’t agree with it.
+1 for sanity
This is the author’s opinion hidden behind a thin veil of satire. It's a built in defense for this moronic line of thinking.
No he is absolutely fucking right. And I’m not defending white people or being a fucking Uncle Tom like some of you on here like say - white hipster and black people alike. I'm defending reason. This article is ridiculous.
Look, I’m just trying to have a friendly debate here, I won’t continue if this is going to devolve into some unintelligible insult hurling match. I went to a school where our race made up about 95% of the population. The whites in our school were beat up and bullied and had to stay quiet about it and take their…
I am “WE.” That’s the problem “we” aren’t that different from anyone else. People make assumptions about everyone. You assume I’m not a person of color, either because of the way I talk or my viewpoint. The media makes headlines about issues like this when its white on black. It’s not about that. Police brutality…
More good click bait.
there is usually a correlation.
Why does it have to always be about race?
It was a look of shock in my eyes not desensitization.
It would probably be less of an issue