No Thang but a Chicken Wang

No he is absolutely fucking right. And I’m not defending white people or being a fucking Uncle Tom like some of you on here like say - white hipster and black people alike. I'm defending reason. This article is ridiculous.

Look, I’m just trying to have a friendly debate here, I won’t continue if this is going to devolve into some unintelligible insult hurling match. I went to a school where our race made up about 95% of the population. The whites in our school were beat up and bullied and had to stay quiet about it and take their

I am “WE.” That’s the problem “we” aren’t that different from anyone else. People make assumptions about everyone. You assume I’m not a person of color, either because of the way I talk or my viewpoint. The media makes headlines about issues like this when its white on black. It’s not about that. Police brutality

More good click bait.

there is usually a correlation.

Why does it have to always be about race?


It was a look of shock in my eyes not desensitization.

It would probably be less of an issue

We don’t know how long she refused to get up, and there is also probably a history with this girl but none of that excuses the way he tossed her around. I would have found another way.

Here we go with Howard’s Jon Jones nut hugging

It would be a smart move for both of them not to show up at the police station. It's amazing how police officers are able to blatantly lie.

That jacket sucks tho

Do you have a list of puns just ready to pull out for moments like these? :)

Um, maybe he bet his savings?

Is it across all platforms?

I think the issue is greater than just a race issue. Why is that nonsense?

It's all about the clicks man, that's the agenda.

I agree with you completely but I think Deadspin is taking an opinion that is unique to cater to a certain reader, those who whole heartedly agree and those who completely disagree. They have to do something that no one else is doing as far as sports go. So they are pseudo-tabloid, social justice warriors, who scorn

What happened in SC is an American tragedy, it’s not just a black or white issue. The same as in the shooting in Oregon (I’ll keep using this as an example because it happened this year and there are similarities) and the media response is different. Every victim was white (and maybe Christian). The shooter - in the