
Umm, this is complete bullshit. Reducing the number of privately plied cars in half will do diddly squat because vehicular pollution constitutes 2% of all the pollution in the city. The biggest sources of pollution are coal plants and burning fires. Everyone’s burning fires — to keep themselves warm or get rid of

I’m behind Tim Cook on this, but is his reasoning correct? A custom-built OS built and used by Apple (not the FBI) to unlock the phone shouldn’t be any more or less risky than storing a private key on their servers, something they already do, and “In the wrong hands” as Tim Cook described, that key could cause a

Today’s announcement confirms a 100-year old belief. I’ve read that the discovery of gravitational waves will _now_ allow us to understand the universe better, but isn’t it true that we’ve been using the assumption all along? I’m assuming people haven’t waited around for today to build hypotheses that account for