
That’s a terrible take and just enables the argument that only men should coach men’s teams.

“I’m going to get right to the point. It has come to my attention that you were going into the women’s locker room while they were changing to microwave a Hot Pocket. Is that correct?” 

First things first, I think this is wrong.

What!? After a free government ride for four years at a military university you have to serve 2 years in the ACTUAL military??? If you don’t want to serve, go to one of the hundred plus other schools.

Using “contender” there pretty loosely.

Scale of 1-10, how much does it suck that the country hasn’t actually changed and become more white, racist, sexist, intolerant and anti-intellectual for you since January? Seems like you guys are taking it pretty hard.

Fair enough and it’s not a pro-Trump thing. I fucking hate the guy as much as we all do. I’m just anti-laziness in terms of schtick. He’s become such a punchline that it’s just so easy to drop a “Trump Sux lol” and await your applause from the masses.

It’s almost as if it’s a terrible idea to put 70-year-old sexual harassers in positions of power, or something.

This article just proves the problem with society. You write the half truth and uneducated people take it as the full truth. I paid capital gains tax on my investments so that must mean that I am paying a“ lower rate on that than you are, even though you fucking work for your money.” The problem with this is that I

Same with Four Roses. They get derided as “your granddaddy’s bourbon.” Guess fucking what: Your granddaddy had great taste.

Grant’s Olympic-pool hypothetical was dreamed up while getting stoned and watching DuckTales. Not a doubt in my mind.

I hate Ken Holland, and getting that confirmation about him being unwilling to get kicked upstairs earlier this year just buried the needle for me. The kind of egomaniacal asshole that he must be to not make way for the icon of the franchise has buried this team in shit, and will continue to do so until somebody

I can’t tell if this is the least HamNo post I’ve ever read or the most HamNo post I’ve ever read.

The same person that dropped the bomb is working on healthcare too?

the game ultimately meant nothing,

C’mon, seriously. I am a died in the wool liberal, and I think Obama should have done this three years ago.

I stared at all of the refs’ crotches for a full minute before realizing I’d better read the article.

The people paying them probably do, given that’s where the money to pay them with comes from.

Equal pay why? Do they generate equal revenues? If yes, then fine. If no, then you’re a bloody communist.

headline fixed