
Tyler, you're not alone in this, but in your praise of the Perry— and implicit criticism of the LCS— you too vastly and erroneously overestimate the survivability of these older naval platforms. *No* small-to-middleweight naval platform built since the 1970s can "take a hit" from a typical anti-ship missile and

Didn't even realize they were still selling these. You're certainly right about the sound, and the styling has certainly retained its magic. I always thought it looked like a shark. I really can't wait for the Alfieri.

Clear as day PI. But Jim Caldwell needs to go for it on 4th and 1 there. He got what he deserved on the shanked punt AND Dallas converting 4th and 6 on the next drive.

Uber surge pricing doesn't sting as much now, does it?

As a cyclist... and a human... I don't really care if she was God incarnate.


I have nothing constructive or positive to add.

As a kid, I loved ValuJet for the logo and plane toys they occasionally gave out. I didn't concern myself with their safety record :)

Diminutive for Naathim actually, which is usually male, but there's a couple of females running around wearing it too. And some people have reduced it to... a surname... shiiiiver.

I refuse to believe I'm the only person who likes thinking about this kind of stuff.

What he said. Obviously.

(assuming Naat is male — like Nat, diminutive for Nathaniel [but I did know a Natalie who went by Nat]; if not, apologies, and "What she said.")

Well since they're not floating around in the ship when they're in space. I'm sure they have some kind of artificial gravity. And if you can magically make more gravity, I'm sure you can magically make less of it. 'Activate the accelerator compensator or something.'