
until America’s invasion on the beaches of Normandy almost exactly four years after the end of the Dunkirk evacuation.”

That is a very attractive bike

Great compilation, Tyler. Can we get a “Confessions of...” from a submarine guy? Or expand Foxtrot to include some tech specs of submarines? That would be quite interesting...

Do you live in one of those square states where cows outnumber people?

I wish you guys would stop posting pictures of Justin Beiber....

This is dumb and I cannot stop laughing.

Force = Acceleration x UMass

Alright, confession time: I love these Lincolns. They're big, swooping and just look awesome. Hell, if this car had waited 5 or 6 months for me to get my student loans banished, I'd probably be calling the seller right now.

The main reason to buy a Lamborghini is so you can tell other people that you own a Lamborghini. If somebody asks to go for a ride you can simply reply the same as any other Lamborghini owner with "Well, it's in the shop... you know, Italian and all that." and the other person would nod knowingly.


Because it was a fantasy of a car hat will never exist?

I think the seats are really cool. I dig the idea.