
Several thousand dollars worth of training has given me the ability to have really pretty seizures to a beat.

Friend bought a Chevy panel side van sight unseen before moving back to the States from Norway and I go with him to pick it up. It was previously used as a work van for a plumbing company so it's full of crap and the previous owner tells us to just it toss along the fence and leaves. As we're cleaning it out we see a


There was so much traveling this guy should have his own island!

He clearly traveled, but is there any other way to get to a road game?

Blatantly so.

That is a travel.

1986 Buick Lesabre Grand National NASCAR homogenization special around 115 built

I hope these things depreciate terribly in a few years because it's literally the only thing that I could see replacing my WRX wagon.

The Grand National was the turning point from old world performance to new technology and was a beacon of hope in the malaise era.

Old Volvo wagons. Jalops seem to be obsessed with brown, manual, diesel wagons. This ticks all the boxes.

I taught for years at a private learning center that specializes in strengthening visualization for the purpose of comprehension, and a story about The Knowledge was frequently used with higher level students. It's a trip to actually see specifically how intense it is, I can't even imagine being in this situation.

I wonder if anyone has studied the occurrence of Alzheimer's in the London cabbie population? I bet it's very low.