Coach Bobby Finstock

Oh, man, I loved Boyz Crazy.
Twenty thirteen!

My kids have watched this freakin' episode eleventeen times already.
My son figured out the "Stan's brother" thing forever ago. Made me feel dumb, because my son is kind of an idiot.

I thought Thomas Schlamme directed this episode, which was all kinds of Awesome, Superb, Stupendous. That's right, the ASS episode.

Good finale, although part of me wished we could have gotten one more Kristina moment. Like, maybe Hank doesn't hire Max. Max sulks, and tells his parents why he would be the perfect photographer for the wedding. Kristina springs into action and browbeats the happy couple into hiring him.

I always go back to the moment where Kristina badgered a fellow parent from school into inviting Max to a birthday party. Season 1? 2?

It's a really good show.

Cut to: Jay_Z's crib, now a pile of rubble on the floor.

Completely agree.

I thought it was a public charter school, which means they don't charge tuition. Rather, they receive some public funding and harangue the parents for the rest. Every day. And night. But I give, happily. Okay, not happily. Fine. Not at all. Wasn't my idea to start a damn charter school and put it in my neighborhood.

didn't see this before i posted above. didn't mean to steal your thunder.

Kristina made sure to give Dylan the stink eye before she chased Max out. Then, she jaywalked across the street and had the nerve to yell at the drivers of cars like they had no business on the road! She's a piece of work. But at least Katims and company have stayed consistent with her.

Anybody else really hate Nora? Ugh. What a spoiled little troll. And the "twins" they have playing her LOOK NOTHING ALIKE! Great job, Katims. Maybe one day you'll learn how to, I dunno, properly write and cast a show.

How great is the look of terror on Vic Morrow's face as Leak rounds the bases and runs score in front of him? Just pure, abject panic. Awesome. Love that movie so much.

Morris Buttermaker's Bears squad never should have even made it to the finals against the Yankees. It was an elite league, and the Bears only existed because of a class action law suit. As the Yankees' coach Roy Turner (Vic Morrow, RIP) correctly points out, "They coulda joined any other league," but their parents

I shared the reviewer's displeasure with "Soos and the Real Girl."
But then, my kids have watched it a hundred and fortyleven times since the original airing, and it has grown on me.

Yeah, I immediately thought, "He went and slept with the receptionist / nurse he met at Zeek's physical therapy session."

I've been on both sides of this, as far as being the parent of a kid involved with bullying. Both incidents happened the same year, at the same school.

Yeah, Video Days is awe….some.
My 12-year-old skate rat son who idolizes Guy Mariano prefers his part on Pretty Sweet, and Yeah Right! is his favorite video overall…but Video Days is classic.

That was probably me.

Yeah. That's the way I remember it, too.