Coach Bobby Finstock

LMAO! Well played.

Yeah, I remember that. We'd probably get along, hoss.

Haha! The closest I come to being offended is when I understand why someone else is offended.

He said, "They were made to feel un-American and risked economic retaliation because of what was said. Our democracy has taken a hit. Our best protection is free and open debate."

Funny how this stuff works. I remember Al Gore huffing and puffing about the Dixie Chicks and censorship. The right wing thought he was nuts. Now, it's the left wing that thinks Palin's nuts.

I thought for sure the password was going to be MERMANDO, since they hadn't mentioned him any since he appeared in "The Deep End," and they said his name three times in this episode right before trying to figure out the eight-letter password.

I was with the band, nahmean? With them. I played a mean skin flute.

Couldn't agree with this guy more. Back in the early 90s there was an obscure band called Smooth Rubber Chicken. SRC kicked around L.A. County, Orange County, and even dipped down to San Diego for a few shows. Sublime stole everything from these guys, and made it shitty, from their musical style down to their back

My dad had a buddy who, my dad slowly learned, was a horrible racist, anti-Semitic son of a bitch. When my dad pointed out that Jesus was a Jew, this loon's rebuttal was, "No. He was the KING of the Jews."

Yeah, and the unions held the rope. Negotiating for workers to receive pay way beyond market value, demanding unsustainable pension funds, and God-knows-what-else. And all the while, Japan was building cheaper cars.

Foster also played a mentally challenged kid — quite well — on Freaks & Geeks. "Three's Company is the best show on television." Had a great scene where Lindsey Weir scolded some kids who were picking on him.

I've seen it, and it's actually pretty good. The action is overdone and sometimes unnecessary, but Cage is great and it's not a Taken carbon copy like everyone assumes it is.

Because the Celtics shook hands with the Pistons. The Pistons, on the other hand, made a spectacle of walking out in formation right in front of the Bulls bench, without shaking hands.

The problem with the religion angle on the show is that it seems they've picked the easiest target in the world: a preening, narcissistic televangelist who even mainstream Christians would find laughable (I know this, because my wife and I are mainstream Christians. And we laughed). Yeah, maybe they'll reveal there's