
For the full webpage screen capture, does it include fixed page footers? Some (maybe all) of these screencap programs include it and this ends up obscuring the page text that scrolls beneath it.

Time-travelling posts from 1969! Did Discus or Kinja exist back then?

You mean those are not speed gaps?


“Also, my landlord sold that damn Honda.”

I always forget how ridiculously long this car’s front overhang is.

I always thought these should have counter-rotated in order to maintain balance while the car was moving. I mean, imaging doing this in the middle of a turn.

Don’t forget tanks.


Who needs context when there’s an opportunity for outrage. I think you may be missing the whole point.

“Brand-partnering” for multi-hundred dollar movies is stupid.

Why isn’t it on the Alpha Channel?

There’s an important thing called an ‘alpha channel’ in graphic design; guess what happened...

Thanks, I’ve been holding it in in anticipation for almost three hours.

Are there instructions for pooping in the archives because I think I might be doing it wrong.

Most people today have the skill of pressing buttons and the heavy lifting is done by the magic blue smoke inside the wires. Take away computers and 70% of everyone working would be immediately unemployed (and also unemployable, since most couldn’t do what they do ‘the old way’).

It drove over a landmine that exploded in the middle.