
Yes, but I hear being an underer means you’re mentally ill or voted for Trump or something.

I doubt bacteria hold on for 19 seconds, then magically fall off after 20 seconds

Could also be human of the really short kind.

...lovely Studebaker Avanti...

You have to catch it first.

That’s a spoiler.

Rotating those headlights would make it go faster.

This part is really well designed.

...ticks clicks enough boxes to be a supercar...

...the car ticks clicks a lot of boxes...

Maybe they were made from cardboard...

Actors play roles. It’s just that at that point in time he was playing a molester. It’s not actually who he is...

Did you just assume xis height?

The kid (probably a boy) would’ve been punted if he hadn’t noticed at the last millisecond and started running away as the truck was emergency braking.

That interior isn’t inclusive enough for the front seat passenger, as it lacks diversity in who can easily see the gauges and blinky lights.

“Schultz is a 21-year-old...”

Let me guess - you’re 33?

You couldn’t direct espo618 to a White-oriented forum?

You just presumed xer gender!!!

It’s extortion payments.