
No, that’s most definitely Kant. He was a real pissant; He was very rarely stable.

Are Bills fans the official fanbase of Deadspin, Barry?

Still up. Kinja is an unforgiving realm

Fuck the Pats. That is all.

This will be the only Pats loss this year.

What about “octaroon”? Asking for a friend.

Just remember, no matter how hard the commenters come after you, none of them can hurt you as much as you’ve hurt yourself in the OP.

So THAT’S what all those writers meant when they use the, “he had a wiry kind of strength” trope.

I was going to say something snarky about that 92% figure being pulled from your ass but it turns out this is accurate to within +/-3%.

Have you ever seen them in the same place at the same time? Me either. Hmm...

Hail, Caesar... Romero!

Wright is the Ryan Braun of the NL East

I honestly thought this story arc had resolved already. Can’t wait for the inevitable reset to normal continuity

Angrier Geek is a person of color and not a white kid playing at being woke. The rest of your “analysis” isn’t even worth the time to refute.

Dolorous Edd & Eddard Stark

Go on...

The fumblingest QB of all time, Dave Krieg, of tiny Milton College (now defunct).

Judging by this comment you should be Mrs. Spock

He also directed “Lifeforce” the best sexy space vampire movie ever.

I’d say this is perfect casting except for the fact she can’t act her way out of a wet paper sack.