Sounds just like my gramps. But only racist against the “dirty, lowdown, snake-in-the-grass Japs what backstabbed us at Pearl harbor.”
Sounds just like my gramps. But only racist against the “dirty, lowdown, snake-in-the-grass Japs what backstabbed us at Pearl harbor.”
Easy. Pinner IPA
The Tribe Is The Darkest, Greatest Silent Movie You’ll See All Year
Counterpoint: it came against the Milwaukee Brewers.
They’ve covered the NHL?
What you think all those people paid to watch LeBron & Steph?
What a huge gash
Dusty’s gone & this asshole is still whooing it up?
When do you have to drop the “boy” from your nickname? 60? 70? 80?
Dickie V is looking good in that satin robe.
Is... Is it grey? He’s got ashy dick!
He’s not wrong though. There’s no excuse for Evil Twin or Sculpin to charge nearly $20 for a god damned 6 pack
Your web-fu is strong. I loved that episode so much
Hier, dieser ist besser:
That would be the most Cleveland ending ever
Poor trolling. 2/10 would not bite
Ich habe keine Idee
“This mustache trimmer I got from the Wal-Mart is sub-par.”
My retro brews are the same my grampa had in his basement fridge. One of those scary lock you inside accidentally until you suffocate fridges from the 1950s. Nothing but Pabst on the top shelf and nothing but Old Style on the bottom. I swear there was always 2 cases of each on hand at all times. Never know when your…