"Anything to get back at Ireland is a good thing."
Dune rocks! That said, you're doing yourself a disservice by not viewing Blazing Saddles. Classic film. Required viewing.
You must be from Hawaii.
Weed addiction? Really? You ever sucked dick for a bag of weed, Gaga? No? Then STFU.
No. You are not alone.
Republicans? Now that's offensive.
Yep, the only drafts we dodge are Miller Genuine.
+1 cubit
Who gave this guy a star for this? Step forward and claim your -1
That is hands-down the most 'Merican GIF I've ever seen.
Your question assumes the current Longhorns aren't getting paid.
Sodom is a suburb of Chicago. You must be thinking of Gomorrah, which is a suburb of the Cream City
Welp, there goes this season. I guess I'll watch the Bucks until pitchers and catchers report to Maryvale
Racial epitaph: 'ere lies a limey, 'e was a right cunt, 'e was.
There's only one incorrect way to eat bratwurst... and that is with ketchup.
Damn your speedy fingers!
+ 1/2