
I also enjoy the hate mail Drew gets. They're the same people who mistake The Onion for factual reporting and post outraged comments. Which, I enjoy immensely, as well.

Nope, just plain old suicide. -1 for you.


I got as far as "Oh say can you", which doesn't sound like much until you take into account the multiple pitch changes per word and the unnecessary adding of syllables to what should be monosyllabic words.

I got as far as "Church Puppeteer" and knew this was gonna be another pedo story, but what a pedo story! Cannot unread...


Bananas & Sleepers are the only 2 worth watching.

I have never been as high as Ginger Baker is in that video. Now I have something to shoot for. Thanks, DUAN!

Wow, thank you. I expected snark, if any reply at all, not actual help. You're a good egg, Kaizykat. You just got hearted. (I miss the old commenting system).

(Pictured) Brewers skipper Ron Roenicke sashays out to have a chat.

I have never felt so old or out-of-touch. I am unfamiliar with the following words: Pinterest, thinspo, pro-ana, pro-mia, thinspiration. As a result, I need this article translated into middle-aged English. However, I do know Kate Upton is drop-dead gorgeous, so I can infer these thinspirational people are crazy.


"We have DaVinci & Dante and you McDonald's"

Gah! Sorry for the doublepost.

Time consuming yes, but adoption is still far cheaper than fertility treatments.

Did someone forget to post a story to go along with this pic?

Why not adopt though? With overpopulation a legitimate world-wide concern, and infertile/sterile folks wanting kids... well, it just seems like a 'two birds with one stone' kind of deal. Isn't it vain in the extreme to refuse kids that need a home in lieu of spending thousands on fertility treatments, etc. in the hope

How do you grow to adulthood without experiencing the Blatz Splats? I love Lindy and have read tons of her movie reviews on The Stranger, but she has got to be playing dumb here. Maybe it's b/c I live in Wisconsin, but I don't think I could find someone that's unfamiliar w/ D.A.D.S. if I tried.

You must truly be a humorless person. Or worse, you actually enjoy being offended to the point that you actively look for things which, (if misconstrued) could offend. That is so sad, I don't even have the heart to make the intarweb-mandated insulting thread reply.