
I agree with this, but also think there are plenty of reasons to be critical of Sarsour. There’s space btwn accepting a false rightwing narrative and blindly supporting your own.


Texas is the Kentucky of Texas.

No love for my personal favorite, The Gang Cracks the Liberty Bell. The Nightman Cometh at 20 is bonkers too. Should be top five on everyone’s list.

Apparently this is actually how they do it. My pregnant friend was trying to explain it to me, but I was having difficulty following.

Only California, New York and Florida had a larger number of democratic votes in the past election. It’s very easy to forget that a reliably Red State remains home to a huge number of Democrats. Yes, a big part of that is the size of the state in general, but it’s really not fair to paint them with such a broad

In the fucking ocean

lol. Good one.

Man, your penis must be super small.

Wow you really put me in my place

how about stop using stupid terms like whitesplain?

I wear a suit to work everyday and sweat like a pig when it’s 60 degrees outside, so commuting in the summer is not fun for me. I’d been living beyond my means a bit lately and had fallen into a bad habit of taking an Uber to work every morning to avoid arriving at work soaking wet. Monday morning was literally the

Jesus fucking Christ! You Win (Lose).

It's okay. TPB avatar gets you a pass.


It’s going to be many moons before you feel like eating steak... You took a well deserved beating.

He's so honored!


Shut up, Tony.