
It did two things. It told the story that Kevin and Zoe are sharing more directly (PS: If Allison suspected her dad wasn’t going to accept Randall, she absolutely would not have him come to the house until absolutely necessary) and it shows how Miguel tried (and failed) to connect with the kids since Jack’s death.

That’s not really the problem here. This is a movie that takes a lot of fairly weighty concepts, too often playing them glibly, and then just leaves most hanging there. Sam Rockwell’s character is a racist homophobic cop and his violence against gays and black people is played as a joke. There is a pivotal scene

I have spent the last week and a half navigating the new website. I have given it the benefit of the doubt. Try as I may, though, I share the many complaints that others do. Setting aside that it now looks like every other site from this platform, the navigation is unnecessarily byzantine. It simply should not be