
You are missing the point entirely. When a person is sexually assaulted there is both a potential criminal charge (to be handled by the police) and an administrative matter (that of whether a student should be expelled) which is handled by the university. It’s a matter of making the campus safe and getting rid of

I was sexually harassed at work at a U.S. university for almost 10 years. I reported it multiple times to direct supervisors (Director-level) and two different department heads. I reported it to HR, twice. No one ever told me about being able to make a Title IX complaint. And no one did jack shit to help me. I

That shitty smile, she really has a punchable McConnell-esque face, but I don’t condone the striking of women, but sounds like shes okay with it..

Here’s how colleges and universities should handle sexual assault:

Her and her entire family should really be burned at the stake.  It pisses me off to no end that Erik Prince is still a free man.

Please consider how much this woman has accomplished. She has made herself one of the most hated people in the Trump Administration. That in itself is a spectacular achievement.

Betsy DeVos. Rape fan. 

This was spot-on and a pleasure to read, Julianne! As someone who is very interested in fashion (and not ok with how women are shamed for it), I like to read pieces like this from someone who knows what they’re about instead of just the one-note criticism of the pricetags alone.

You are so right. Also i think the risks are higher for animal keepers and handlers because their emotional attachment to the animals makes them a little too trusting.

Well, that’s just fucking awful. Just goes to show that wild animals, no matter how docile they may seem in captivity, are still wild animals, I guess. I feel for this woman and her family.

You know, I thought there were a surprising amount of African proverbs about wanting to bang Walt Whitman.

The problem with all of these is that they are actually Oscar Wilde quotes.