
"He hates those billboards, stay away from the billboards!"

Look at that interior! Well, look carefully, so your body doesn't go into Crimson Shock Overlaoad. It's all red velour — and it looks like it's never even been sat in. Who owned this car? A ghost that farted Fabreeze?


That's because the Porsche is a brand new development while Toyota has been there last two years. But you're right in that both VAG teams have to beat Toyota before fighting each other.

Just thought i'd point out that he in fact drives a ricer.

in future new soviet Crimea. Vtek kicks you!

Definitely this 79 Lincoln Continental Collectors Series. 0-60 in "why the hell would you want to go 60, the speed limit is 55?" So long it doesnt fit in a standard garage, so wide its a nightmare to park. Driving it is like riding a horse in that you always realize that youre not actually in control of the beast.

Hybrids are interesting as long as they are transparent, as in; they don't define the drivetrain, they just add to it. Take the 918 Spyder, the batteries are running in tandem with the ICEngine to make a very powerful force. The Prius, however? It's a CVT with an engine that couldn't push a boulder down a hill.

They were all clones of Jango Fett in the prequels. I believe they were still clones in the original three, but there were also academies opened by the Empire to train new troopers. But as far as I know, none were females. And I lived them Matt. I lived the Star Wars.

Yes. Jango Fett. Case closed.

Hey, Bob, do you mind?

I've thrown a still-burning cigarette butt into a car before. It made it into the footwell, forcing the driver to stomp it out and ruin his carpet.

Father had that same body style int he picture. Towed a popup with it and it was his work truck for many years until he sold it... Not too many of these survived in the rust belt.

Hey, I've got plenty of black friends. Black relatives, too!

You're reading far too much into this and looking to start an argument where none is needed. Are you new? We champion drivers regardless of gender. You'll see that here, here, and here, among several other examples.

Technically you are correct. Simply reporting something is inherently biased since by reporting the news piece and its details you're demonstrating your bias that the news piece is newsworthy. Realistically though, you're a fucking idiot.

Uh, really? We would have pointed it out if the driver was male or female. Look how many "man drives/crashes/speeds"-type headlines we have around here and get back to me.

Lifan wears his ripoff like a crown