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    Some of us will know that it can be both!

    I live just down the road from Two Roads and enjoy the vast majority of their offerings (they've also got a terrific tasting room at their facility). While Road Jam is not my favorite from their portfolio, I'd definitely give it a try if you can find it - it's pretty tasty!

    He is a freakazoid - come on and wind him up!

    If the documentary Pacific Rim showed us nothing else, it's that building a big wall will not solve our problems. We need Jaegers, Donny!

    He was secure in his Cromulence.

    Is this all just one of those crowdsourced multimedia puzzle games to build buzz around a new movie? Is the estate of Leni Riefenstahl remaking A.I.?

    Greatest Job, Internet!

    Anonymous sources have leaked that she's courted interviews by painting morning show sets on the side of mesa walls. If those aren't Wile E. techniques, then nothing is.

    RIP Mr. Tickles

    Oh, it's been stuck in mine since I first heard it. That, and Barney's "Master Rapper" gambit to steal Fred's Fruity Pebbles. B-Rubs spits fire.

    Word. The scene in Casablanca when the bar drowns out the Nazis is one of my all-time favorites, largely because of the sheer awesomeness of La Marseillaise.

    Doesn't matter - you'll probably get hit by a bus anyway.

    By unchicken the box next to Autocorrect in Settings

    Hated Bruce as a NJ youth. My line as a kid was always, "if I want to hear about how shitty blue-collar life in Jersey is, I can just talk to my dad." I appreciate both dad and Bruce a bit more now.

    I use the line, "we've tried NOTHING, and we're all out of ideas!" all the time.

    Still one of my favorites, as both storylines were so strong.

    As we know that Bird Law is not governed by reason, he would seem to be a great fit.

    Damn right!

    Let The Music Play

    Kiss the pan…