You exclude Black people, then when we turn around and form our own events, groups, and societies with our own cultural practices and traditions, you scream, cry, and curse.
You exclude Black people, then when we turn around and form our own events, groups, and societies with our own cultural practices and traditions, you scream, cry, and curse.
And like that, the laughs of a million Steelers fans were suddenly silenced.
She tried to get disability but there ain’t no coverage for gravel knee. She has two sisters named Syphilis and Gonorrhea,her mama was real proud the hospital put such purty names in her chart. They both got arrested once for making pornos with her and their pitbull named killer.They say up there in the hills that you…
It was going to be brutal.
Just...just wear the clothes. We know who it is, the costume’s good and fine on its own, there’s no need to Blackface it up. Jesus, why is this so hard?
I’m not a courtroom lawyer but I’m 99% sure cops don’t have the jurisdiction to make sure someone is a really a lawyer in court. That’s the court’s job and only the court’s job. The cop is there for security and to bring criminal defendants in and out of custody. This cop should 100% be fired but I’m sure he won’t be.
Idiot republicans have unlimited gall calling anyone a “snowflake”. They are rude, selfish brats and should be put in a very long time out.
Erykah has been a pick-me, patchouli scented, dictator entertaining fraud for a long ass time. I celebrate her green tea scented dragging.
I get that people digest content differently based on a million different factors. I get that victims and those close to them (rightly) can’t tolerate jokes about this shit, but... I can’t be the only person who remembers how critical that skit was of Kelly.
Most people are not allowed nuance when criticizing Israel, but for sure, like anything else, blacks are allowed waay less nuance (coupled with the idea of the scary black man)
Given the nature of politics surrounding the state of Israel in the American context, Prof. Hill should have known that black intellectuals, politicians, clergy, activists and entertainers are not allowed nuance when criticizing Israel’s treatment of the Palestinian people. For black people you are either pro-Israel…
Is it me or does it seem like Folks are trying to snuff out the deliberately and methodically killing the leaders of this movement???!!!
Is it me or does it seem like folks are trying to snuff out the movement??? Similar to how many of the Civil Rights leaders were made non threats???
Famous last words from a rainbow colored blip on our radar.
You get the celebrities you deserve.
People are gonna hate me on this but... I kinda liked “Ghostbusters”. I mean, no it wasn’t as good as the original or anything, but it was goofy enough fun that i never actually hated myself for going to see it. I liked the chemistry the cast had (for the most part) and enjoyed it more than I am supposed to have.
R.I.P. Kim.
To place Philadelphia Eagles Malcolm Jenkins in the proper historical context, just call him the Ralph Abernathy to…
I was sympathetic until this: