
Yeah, this is a smart move on their part because even the Spider-Man fans were saying “Who?”

imo it’s not attending the concert that’s tacky; it’s tweeting at the band and deliberately latching onto the attention. He can do what he wants, but leveraging the tragedy to get rts is pretty lame.

I mean, it's an awful death. Gotta have some class. 

Hopefully there’s a scene where they throw a fridge at someone

This comment had more creativity than any of the dialogue in the film.

I’d rather see the version from the Squirrel Girl comics... of course - I’d also rather just see Squirrel Girl.

Is that lion even radioactive?

I’ll bet money that the one alt Gwen Stacy they zeroed in on as being excited about is an actual trans Gwen Stacy.”

Was thinking this too. Let her be a black and trans Gwen (maybe she was born as Miles in her universe but transitioned?).

And then disable all comments on all websites across the entire internet.

Having classic non-powered 1960s Gwen coming in and actually being given something to do would be great.

Shocked Florida & Tennessee hasn’t banned it for the same reason.

I don’t get it...if she is abiological male” then, by definition, they shouldn’t be upset about her being topless. Right? Either trans people exist or they don’t. If you want to regulate them as their expressed gender then you can’t say they can’t behave in other instances as that gender typically may. So tops on

It’s deeply ironic that, based on the reports of Lorincz’s prior interactions with Owens’ kids, those kids had a vastly better on-paper argument for justifiably shooting Lorincz at various points than Lorincz had for shooting Owens.

This “long-running feud” appears to consist of this woman repeatedly assaulting Owens’ children with no consequence.  Of course she thought she could murder Owens and get away with it.

God the design of Mumbattan was so cool, It’s probably the fictional city in the Marvel Universe that I’d most like to visit after Wakanda.

Have they not watched the documentaries?..?

AI will be seen as a threat by religious leaders.

Society, at least in the US, is headed away from religion even without AI influence.  In 2007 16% of Americans identified themselves as religious "nones", atheists, agnostics and the like in a Pew Research poll. By 2021 that figure had increased to 29% in another poll by Pew Research. 

Came here to say exactly this. Of course, that scenario optimistically assumes we don’t snuff ourselves with nukes or global warming induced collapse.

If you have to tell people you’re a comedian, you aren’t.