
Thank you - Buffy has some of the most out of left field moments that just stomp on your heart. The first time, it was Becoming Part 2. Watching Buffy just turn away from her family and friends through her own self-alienation was heart wrenching at that age. Then it was the Body. The subdued tone of that episode just

Let’s be real here - Batman is the Wolverine of the DC comics universe.

For those of you who doubt this man’s point, please refer to Glee, Smallville, and Lost.

Beat me to it, but I absolutely love Joss Whedon’s run on Astonishing X-Men. For me, he just captures the embodiment of each character the way I imagine they would be. Emma is a haughty bitch replete with snappy comebacks and Kitty, though older, is still a quippy by-product of the 80's. Even going so far as to give

It’s probably also because Animorphs had very clearly delineated relationships. RachelxTobias, JakexCassie, MarcoxEveryone, VisserThreexElfangor. There was little confusion about who paired with whom. I mean, other than the obviously explicit, but dangerously subversive and incestuous pairing of JakexRachel....

You know which Hufflepuff just got his own movie...?

Nah - I’m almost positive that’s Matt Parkman...

Does it matter? If she geeks out over pop culture, that still makes her a geek. If she’s incredibly knowledgeable about pop culture, does that make her any less of a nerd? If she’s able to talk competently enough about any subject and it makes you excited as all hell, she’s a geek and a nerd. It’s not for any one to