
You know if these 650k emails were handed over in the first place it wouldn’t have had to been reopened?

Ugh she should really leave satire and jokes to the professionals

Caster also has undescended testes soooo it's a little different


Trafficking increased when prostituion was made legal

You people keep saying this but it still doesn’t change the fact the most popular porn on the Internet, reality kings, brazzers, naughty America, bangbros and feature extremely rough sex .

You people keep saying this but it still doesn't change the fact the most popular porn on the Internet, reality kings, brazzers, naughty America, bangbros and feature extremely rough sex .

If a man and women are both drunk enough to no constant generally the woman won't face any charges so there's one.

It's truly shocking the staff of so called feminist website Jezebel only sleeps with alt bros, norm bros, sports bros and just big broy bros instead of men like at deadspin

I wish I coulda been around for your explosive farts

You should probably write this is mandarin too

Would you order deviled eggs at a restaurant? Should you?

Is far side the Calvin and Hobbes of Garfield for smart people who are all baby blues’d out of the wizard of id?

Agreed pharmacy companies have never done anything shady. The media made up stuff about Martin shrekli because he was Albanian

Honestly just genuinely surprised reich recognized something “ so old” after the sir mix a lot debacle

chimps and humans share 95 Dna so I should be allowed to hurl shit and eat opposing memebers of my tribe

Also except for the one where dws was withholding access from msnbc because they ran a positive Bernie story. Or the one where they release a bunch of “anonymous” critical Bernie articles that appeared in papers.

A woman and her three daughters were just stabbed in France for being dressed to scantily clad and we are reporting shrek memes because we're woke ryan gosling but ravaged by 2 decades of AIDS and hardcore club drugs and are now wasting away in our mid 50s