
They elected to be co-rulers William and Mary style.

They are a rare and creepy breed around these parts. The stars and bars license plates kill me. I always want to knock on the window and ask if they’re lost.

Yes, a Massachusetts resident who self identifies as a true southerner redneck even though he has never been south, but feels he relates to being a self described redneck because of their supposed mutual love of the confederacy and racism.

I know this wasn’t the point of your post, but has this even seen All in the Family? I mean... does he get what that show was all about?

The title of the book really should be “King & Prince Consort”. Oh, and those parents are awful.

The sad part is I bet the kid who used “gay” as a pejorative doesn’t actually know what it actually means. They’ve probably been around adults who use it as a negative thing and, when trying to insult another student, reached for a word that they knew had negative connotations in their world. I say this with a

I definitely knew gay people when I was in third grade, (grew up in LA, lots of family in “the industry”), but it never would have occurred to me to use it as a slur because I’m not an asshole from a family of assholes.

Also, what 3rd grader that lives in an otherwise closed-off and conservative community throws around “gay” as a slur?

This came on the news while I was in the break room at Target. The typical Massachusetts wannabe stereotypical redneck bigot turned and said this to me.

What a bunch of shitheads. By the way, great example of Christ-like behavior there, parents. I’m sure your kids have all learn the lesson that it’s okay to be cruel to others if they don’t, think, act, or live the same way you do well.

Misconception: one must look like they are very sad if they have depression.

As someone who is married to a Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapist, I have learned that mental illness can affect anyone at anytime. From Doctors to Teachers to senior business professionals to the person who is making your coffee... Mental illness does not care who you are or what your status in life is. We should

Who is this us? African-Americans have taken care of white people and their feelings for centuries. I think the problem is that black people get told this a lot but we don’t see that many whites leaping out of the woodwork to say there but for the grace of whatever, there go I when there is a black person who has done

My empathy for her ends at the fact that she grew up in a dysfunctional family.

I wonder what she identified as while she was suing Howard...

Burlesque is a HUGE community now. Here in San Francisco there’s several burlesque shows a week, and our largest monthly show, ‘Hubba Hubba Revue’ fills the place with about 300 or so people every event. Just last week was the Burlesque Hall of Fame weekend, where burlesque performers came from all over the US for a

Don’t knock the great American tradition of buying your way out of every obligation and responsibility that your (admittedly privileged ) citizenship requires. Starting with paying your way out of every draft, to knowing you can fail the SATs, but your legacy will get into into any Ivy you aspire to.

Man I was enjoying kind of hating her and then she goes and talks about the Armenian genocide and is super supportive of Caitlyn Jenner and overall is starting to seem a lot more self-aware than initially thought. I dunno, I can’t figure out how I feel, except to at least admit that part of my not liking her was

So what you’re saying is ... I’m not a cynical asshole for reacting poorly to her before or for being reluctant to let go of it. She’s got better people.

She did get a new PR team around when she married Kanye!