I don’t know if she’ll rule us but I do know that kind of strain on her hair every day is gonna cause massive breakage and bald spots. Luckily, though, she can afford to get new hair every day. Fuck I hate this planet.
I don’t know if she’ll rule us but I do know that kind of strain on her hair every day is gonna cause massive breakage and bald spots. Luckily, though, she can afford to get new hair every day. Fuck I hate this planet.
It was a good job—basically like babysitting, but with teenagers and way more fun. I got paid to take them out for supper and go to some really good concerts, with nice children. We had a great time.
Must have been that porn director who was trying to get that black dude to agree to a racial slur in that other Root article.
A big chunk of my job is visitor services and what not. I speak frequently to minimum 1000 people a day, frequently pushing 3000. In 8 hours.
Whose handwriting is this? It looks like it belongs to a 13 year old girl who is super in to having the perfect bubble script just like her best friend Megan.
Brock Turner, the man who spent only three months behind bars for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman behind a …
Girl, you crazy. I’m 29 and that’s a YUGE age difference, a majestic and classy age difference. Especially a 22 year old dude. I’ll grant that Lilo isn’t your average 29 year old so she’s probably emotionally stunted but...whoa. I have no idea what I’d talk to a 22 year old boy about. And I certainly don’t want to…
Edina Monsoon managed to raise a sensible, well-adjusted, and non-addicted daughter...
I think you meant to write Dina Lohan wants Ru$$ian grandkid$.
it’s weird how they blame a core part of what makes modern culture and civilization what it is today. but I also think it’s a move to get people away from fields of study that involve critical thinking and analysis of the big picture in the society and world we live in. instead focus on technical degrees that are…
You’re right. But as in my case...I started out in the early 90's in my chosen profession working with people making 60-70k a year doing what I’m doing. Now they are paid $10 an hour.
That argument drives me nuts: we need people to do this job. We want people who are both talented and passionate. This pretty much applies to most any job. So WHY in the world shouldn’t they get at the very least a living wage and ideally a wage that reflects the bullshit lip service we love to pay about respecting…
Educators should make more, as should people in retail. They are both necessary.
I am an attorney with over 2 years of work experience, and I make less than $50,000/year.
I made more waitressing in bars than teaching in colleges. Everyone thinks this is hilarious - especially students who thought they were my "boss" because "we are paying YOU so much."
Accurate. I made more working in retail than I did as a preschool teacher.
IF he has nothing to hide then WHY did the academy awards happen on a leap year?? If he's not a terrorist then why do flamingos stand on one leg while they sleep? I for one want answers.
Mercedes literally means “mercies” in Spanish so it’s used a lot in Spanish speaking countries. They’re not just naming girls after cars.
When I was living in the UK (brief but productive period), I found the working poor to be more "receptive" to foreigners and whatnot but as soon as those bombs went off on 7/7, one of them in my uncle area (Barnet in LDN) set a Turkish guy's car on fire.