
Jesus is above your identity world view. His skin tone is irrelevant. He was human. And we all share in that humanity. No race or culture or skin tone owns Jesus, regardless of whether he was lilly white or deep luscious black. Anyone talking about the color of Jesus as if it matters is missing the entire point.

Jesus was Jewish, and at the time, Jewish people were nomadic.

Shia views differ from Sunni ones.

Jesus was Palestinian. Look at modern day Palestinians. That’s what Jesus looked like. he wasn’t white. he wasn’t black. Other ethnicities exist. Don’t erase them just because you have an ego or a grudge.

It is a bit more complicated. Jesus, like Buddha, has always been portrayed as a member of the culture doing the portraying. Jesus is Greek, Ethiopian, Arab (well, this one would be accurate), Chinese, Persian, Armenian, Indian, and European, among many others. The image that most Americans think of when Buddha is

Everyone can depict Jesus as they wish in Western countries at least, regardless of how he is depicted by most white Christians. Will your next story include historical depictions of Mohammed and explore how POC react to them? Are white people’s representations of Jesus and insistence that he was Caucasian repressive

People tend to see Jesus as a cultural representation of themselves and their own values, which isn’t a bad thing but Europeans colonized a lot of the world so their idea of Jesus was the most widely accepted. If you go back though, every culture introduced to Christianity had their own version of Jesus. He gets

What strikes me about this article and video is while you’re very willing to say that Jesus wasn’t white - something that should be obvious - you’re not as willing to say that he was middle-eastern - something that should be equally obvious. You talk around it, using terms like “person of color”, you show images of

The Economist is normally a fantastic balanced and classically liberal publication

copyrighting physical movement or personalty is nonsense!

are we gonna pay the inventor of the chicken dance for all the stuff its in?! get real, man! this is obviously a publicity stunt. its one thing if it were art or an invention, but its not. its body movements that anybody can do or could have already been doing before he ever pretended to think he made it. sorry but

I just cannot stop laughing. Stepping from left to right to left waving hands without any purpose or reason is called a dance. And it has copyrights. Dude please...

Choreography can by copyrighted, yes. But that doesn’t mean a dance move can be. Adding choreography and dances in general to copyright law was intended to provide protection for things like ballets, plays, musical productions, etc. It probably also covers, say, the entire choreography for a music video. Sometimes the

None of this. I think we need to be careful about what we allow people to “own” as theirs and theirs alone. I think dancing is specifically a slippery slope. This can lead to policing and penalizing how people move their own bodies. A dance move might seem pretty specific, but how do you draw the line to what people

Apparently Epic doesn’t employ any non-white people, nor have they stolen from anyone but black people. Yeah stealing sucks, but this wasn’t targeted at any particular color of skin, nor was it a result of negligence towards skin color.

Everyone trying to steal a piece of someones success....

I fully support Mr. Milly’s quest to get what is rightfully owed to him. But....that qualifies as a “dance” nowadays? Ren McCormick scoffs in his general direction. 

Holy shit, great catch. It’s the exact same, the only thing they changed was the word “Kill” to “Win”.

They’re not profiting off of a culture, they’re profiting off a dance move. Arguing that 2 Milly should be paid for having his “culture” copied would be the quickest way for him to lose the lawsuit. If he’s smart, he’ll stick to the legal argument, not some bizarre racial accusation that Epic thought they could get

does copyright protect stuff like the full metal jacket helmet that opens up that music video?