one less Root poster
one less Root poster
Love this guy. He was on Real Time with Bill Maher not too long ago and all he did was rant about Trump breaking the emoluments clause every time he spoke. Or that’s how it appeared, at least.
I think this guy was occasionally on Bill Maher’s show? If that’s the guy, as far as old, white dudes that worked for Bush go, he seemed fine.
Disparate impact is losing traction as a basis for rulings though. People want to move to DC. So either new big buildings replace existing ones, pushing previous residents out, or you enact building restrictions and prices go through the roof due to demand increasing but supply not and existing residents are still…
A couple corrections: The black population of DC is growing. It’s shrunk as a percentage of the overall population but the number of actual residents is going up. Many gentrifiers are black. Also, Anacostia isn’t near DC, it’s a neighborhood in DC.
Annnnnnnnd, what was the company?
You are most definitely not a liberal and this guy deserves each one of those 20 days.
Tw/o groups of fucktards violating each other’s rights.. this article is so horribly bias, sensational and unfactual. And the comment section is a cesspool of morons. These two groups only number in the hundreds. They in no way represent America. They both violate each other’s rights. And they are both violent. So…
Oh look, a lazy, undercooked race relations polemic disguised as a hip hip album review
While I mostly disagree with the mra nutjobs, in some instances they are correct. If the reason for affirmative action is to create equality among genders/races/whatever, then as far as gender is concerned it worked. And if men are now the minority they should be the ones receiving the benefits from it. This assumes…
I read a recent study that ties in quite nicely with this article. I don’t have a ton of time to summarize it right now but the gist was basically that ~90% of “Male Feminists” are frauds just trying to play the friend card past the friend zone and 80% of these frauds are abusive. You see it time and time again in the…
Which is the right thing to do. Why allow someone to use a bathroom when they are not even a customer? Starbucks restrooms were already crowded when they only allowed customers to use them. Now if they are allowing anyone to go in actual customers will have to wait in even longer lines. Plus actual customers will have…
Common, who will help “guide” Starbucks’ racial bias training
Sounds like buyers remorse.
I don’t understand how nobody on this thread is willing to point out the fact that Sterling was not following the officers orders, I hear them say take your hands out of your pockets like five times lol and get back get back, as he stares at them and does nothing... All I know is I do what an officer tells me to do…
It looks like the reason he got tackled and tazed was because he kept his hands in his pockets? I don’t understand why he kept his hands in his pockets and refused to show them, that seems like a fair reason.
Brown points out that he doesn’t see anything wrong with parking across two lanes since the lot is empty
I still say black or white you park across two handicap spots you deserve to get tased
The cops are assholes; but we all going to ignore the fact that Sterling Brown is a huge asshole as well?