Lol, calm down
Lol, calm down
Yawn. More mob justice from self righteous idiots that think they are pure people free of mistakes of their own. If they had all their secrets revealed, they themselves would probably be out of a job. She forgave Jeffrey, this is between them
“Every time I see you, I’m gonna be looking at you.”
“They’re still harassing me by being polite.”
Twitter nobodies try to mock thing they don’t understand
Thank you, Acceptable Values Club! For a moment I was deeply worried that the doctors, psychologists, mathematicians, and neuroscientists mentioned in the NYT article might actually have valid points on a wide range of topics, despite their clearly “conservative” and “regressive” credentials (which they oh-so-cleverly…
I do find the label intellectual dark web a little cringe worthy. The group of people that this label tries to encapsulate have varied views and it’s not fair to group them all together on the right. What does unify them is their tendency to have long nuanced discussions about difficult issues. Not only that, they are…
Don’t say shit about Jordan Peterson. He has done so much towards helping people understanding mental illness. I have Borderline Personality Disorder and his videos have helped me so much in knilowing what I should focus on to help myself. You guys are scum because, like the Republicans you bash, you only focus on one…
I definitely don’t agree with everything in the article, but the point on many topics is spot on. I cannot state that evangelical (Christian, Muslim, Jewish, pick one) culture is toxic, dangerous, regressive, and objectively inferior to non-denominational secular culture when viewed from the perspective of hedonistic…
Paul Krugman is a fraud [he’s been a political shill for decades now - gave up economics for the greener pasture of spinning a subject matter few understand well] and a fairly shallow thinker outside obscure and largely irrelevant economic theory.
Some people fetishize politeness and their prefered image of what society should be, right down to this obsession with the tone of debate, while completely ignoring policy.
You don’t have to embrace the FBI. The vast majority of the FBI are law enforcement investigators(not beat cops) and you see their work play out in court as evidence. You’re press. Do your job properly. Verify.
Disagree. I think the message should be get off your ass and vote for responsible people.
Being a heroin junkie and being a good parent are mutually exclusive. The alternative outcome to this story was that baby dying, winding up in the foster system, or something worse like disappearing into trafficking.
Actually it seems like you’re relying on a lot of really bad information as to what happened here - or a false narrative that’s being spread about it. Seems she’s in treatment, that the Holets are assisting her with it, are raising money for her, and are keeping a relationship with her which is beneficial for the…
yeah, so this story isn’t the hill you want to die on here. That mother is a horrible human being. How awful that she felt “judged” by being told she was going to kill her baby... which is true by the way.
Wow. Fuck you.
Did Breitbart think of this headline?
This article should be taught in a class on how the left cares more about moral superiority than winning a war of ideas and actually enacting progresive change. The lives of undocumented people are actually worth less to the author than his own smugness.
Products aren’t “Black” even if mostly black people use them. Most likely Walmart analyzed data to determine as narrowly as possible what products are stolen and require extra security, whether locking them in cases/containers, electromagnetic lanyards or tags, or escorting customers to the checkout. In the situation…